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May 30, 2019

On today's episode, we talk about weight gain

Yes, I’ve gained weight. I’m a nutritionist and I’ve gained weight.  I’m a woman and I’ve gained weight.

I’ve gained weight and I’m ok with it.

Just 3 short years ago, I would have never considered writing this, recording this. I doing everything I could NOT to...

May 23, 2019

189-Liberate Your Body-Stephanie Dodier

On today's episode, we talk about how to liberate your body

Only 4% of women will call themselves beautiful.

That statistics just broke my heart... The truth is I was part of that 96% not finding themselves beautiful for most of my life. To be real it’s almost an act of courage to accept your body in today’s...

May 16, 2019

 Healing Body Image with photography-Stephanie Dodier


On today's episode, we talk about Healing Body Image with Photography

Do you struggle with seeing pictures of you?

Avoid them altogether maybe?

For all of us women who have struggled with body image, taming our self-image via observing our reflection on picture is a very important step in the process of healing body...

May 9, 2019

I quit Keto-Stephanie Dodier

On today's episode, we discover why I quit Keto

I’ve been avoiding recording this episode for nearly 2 years. I’ve been scared of the consequences, hesitated by fear of backlash, started recording it and stopped so many times. Something happened this week that triggered me to finally record this episode... It...

May 2, 2019

On today's episode, we discover intuitive eating

You are the boss of you, sister.... no one else. So hire, fire and promote accordingly.

I’m sure you wouldn’t tolerate anyone telling you what to do in your own house. You wouldn’t let anyone dictate who your date is, right?

Yet we let diets control our food choices...