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Jul 24, 2019

On today's episode, we talk about what intuitive eating is and is not

Want to give Intuitive Eating a try?

These 13 misconceptions may make intuitive eating more challenging and increase the odds of you giving up.

Intuitive Eating is picking popularity over the last 12 months... In fact, this Anti-diet approach to...

Jul 18, 2019

On today's episode, we talk about intuitive eating and cravings

Is intuitive Eating not just a way of giving in to your cravings?

When women first get introduced to intuitive eating, their diet brain then ignites the thought that Intuitive Eating is a just a way to eat whatever we want and, in some cases, to...

Jul 11, 2019

196-intuitive voice 


On today's episode, we talk about intuitive voice

In the same way that Intuitive Eating teaches you to tap into your innate body wisdom to know what to eat, you can tap into this same body wisdom to be guided in all the other segments of your life.

The body wisdom we’ve been gifted by embodying our human body...

Jul 2, 2019

On today's episode, we talk about bathing suit confidence

Usually around April, we start hearing about “getting that bikini body” like it’s a thing we need to earn. After months of hibernation we are supposed to dust ourselves off and work really really hard to get a body that deserves to wear a bathing suit.
