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Oct 31, 2019

Me: “... but I need to lose weight”.

Her: “Ok... I can see how you can think that.”

Me: “Everything you are sharing with me makes so much sense and I can feel it inside of me, that it’s what I need [pause & sigh] … but I need to lose weight”.

The tears started to roll off my cheeks. Uncontrollably...

Oct 24, 2019

Wisdom-of-Emotional-Eating-Stephanie Dodier

In today's episode, we'll talk about the wisdom of emotional eating

Can we find wisdom in emotional eating behaviors? Or is emotional eating something to be demonized and eliminated?

The vast majority of society say ‘no’ to the first questions and say ‘yesss’ to the second one. Then, they ask next: What’s...

Oct 17, 2019

Healing-Diet-and-Intuitive-Eating-Stephanie Dodier

In today's episode, we'll talk about healing diet and intuitive eating

I’m a health care professional trained in using food as a way of healing the physical body. Healing diet, restrictive and elimination food protocol is what I studied for years yet today I very seldom recommend it. Why?

I have seen and experienced...

Oct 10, 2019


Intuitive Eating and Hormonal Health

Women love intuitive eating as a concept but often will refute it based on other advice they receive, found or read on the internet. One of the most frequent situations I encounter is with hormonal health. Women wanting to balance their hormones, perhaps heal their hormones, are...

Oct 3, 2019

Health beyond diet & weight loss

Health Beyond Diet and Weight Loss

For many of us in this community, our first encounter with dieting wasn’t a concern with health. Similarly, for me and all the women I work with inside of my programs, their first diet was strictly focused on being in a smaller body. That is to say, we dieted for aesthetic reasons,...