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Jan 30, 2020

225 - Post-Traumatic Dieting Disorder with Irene Lyon

In today's episode, we'll explore about post-traumatic dieting disorder, the intersection between trauma and dieting with Irene Lyon 

For 25 years, I was stuck in fear mode when it came to food. I was obsessed with controlling my eating has this was the only way that I could control my body weight. I was on high alert...

Jan 23, 2020

224 - When Intuitive Eating isn't Working


In today's episode, we'll explore why intuitive eating isn't working for you

I often get messages of this nature “… but intuitive eating isn’t working for me”

Or “Intuitive eating sounds good but it’s not going to work for me because....”

Is this you? I know it was me when I first encounter...

Jan 16, 2020

223-Anti-Diet with Christy Harrison


In today's episode, we'll explore about anti-diet movement with Christy Harrison

Diet is quickly becoming the dirtiest word in wellness.

The anti-diet movement is growing very, very rapidly.

But what does it mean “anti-diet”?

Anti-diet means anti-diet culture. Diet Culture is the system of oppression that...

Jan 9, 2020

Diet Culture Antidote-Stephanie Dodier

In today's episode, we'll talk about diet culture antidote

What is the most potent diet culture antidote?

Have you recently discovered that you have been under the spell of Diet Culture and want out? You are not alone, sister... In fact, there are millions of us looking for the solution.

The most effective...

Jan 2, 2020

221-What to look and watch for-Stephanie Dodier

In today's episode, we'll talk about the #1 nutrition trend of 2020

Back in 2014, I decided to explore and test Keto on myself. No one knew keto back then…there were no books and certainly no keto influencers. I made that decision at the peak of the paleo craze.

As a nutrition expert, I was at the forefront of...