Oct 28, 2021
Learning to have your own back is the process of developing an
internal culture of unconditional self-compassion
It is being your own best friend and treating yourself in a
respectful and supportive way.
Having your own back means that no matter what, you will fight for
your own potential, not limitations as imposed...
Oct 26, 2021
Thin privilege in coaching is a reality that will impact your client relationship and coaching efficiency.
Here's the thin privilege definition: being able to experience the world knowing you will always be accommodated for and considered “acceptable”, based on the (smaller) size of your body.
Thin privilege in...
Oct 21, 2021
I want you to think of the process of undieting your brain of all the diet culture thoughts and beliefs, like Marie Kondioing your mind.
Undiet Your Life is the act of decluttering your mind from all the thoughts that are no longer serving you, that no longer spark joy, happiness, and ease for you.
You’ve picked...
Oct 14, 2021
We are back with a Q&A-style podcast this week.
I help you find your answer to the question: “Can I accept my body and still want to change it?”
Oct 7, 2021
Undieting your life doesn’t mean stopping dieting. Although stopping dieting is the first step.
I hosted a workshop yesterday The Rebellious Eating Solution and the Q&A part of the class was on fire! I received one question that stomped me and I decided to create a podcast episode about it.
This is today’s...