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Nov 25, 2021

'Tis the season to smash down diet culture... and if we want that, we need to understand the roots of the holiday season so that we can smash down the roots of oppression.

"Indulgence” is rooted in diet culture – it makes you feel bad for enjoying holiday foods and it sets you up for eating out of control. It is a...

Nov 18, 2021

Do you often answer the question “How are you doing?” with “I’m just so busy....”

The thoughts that want to validate the fact that you’re too busy, that there’s not enough time, are coming from the exact same place in your brain that criticizes your body, that criticize your food choices.

That part of your...

Nov 16, 2021

Ready to escape the new year new you bs?

Do you want to make 2022 the year where you say: enough is enough… I’m taking back my body from diet culture?

Then you’re ready for the  un-retreat!

Our mission; to make 2002 the year you undiet your food, your body and you mind… heck your whole life!

Here’s the plan…...

Nov 11, 2021

We are celebrating the 300th episode of our podcast and entering our 6th year! Woot Woot!

So, this is a special episode: Chapter 6 of She’s Beyond The Food: My personal story.

For most of my life, I misunderstood acceptance. I have to admit today, I was wrong.

I used to believe that acceptance meant being resigned...

Nov 9, 2021

Decolonizing diet culture and our approach to non-diet coaching is essential for the healing of all of our clients and it’s goes beyond simply white people’s food.

Diet culture centers on the white narrative of what is “healthy”. Non-diet coaches need to know how to hold space for clients who have been taught...