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Feb 24, 2022

In Day 4 of the masterclass, learn how to reshape your mind to think confident thoughts and let go of default thinking. 

In this BONUS Q&A session, we unpacked some of the most common questions we get asked in Undiet Your Life and there’s a good chance your diet brain has these questions too. 

We dive into...

Feb 18, 2022

On Day 3 of the masterclass, learn how to stop stressing about your weight by managing other people's thoughts and opinions about you.

The number one reason why women stop creating confidence is that they care more about others’ opinions than their own. When your own opinion of yourself is shitty, it’s hard to stop...

Feb 17, 2022

On Day 2 of the masterclass, learn how to stop stressing about your weight by learning how to create confidence.

The truth is, creating confidence is as easy as thinking confident thoughts.

You are going to feel a lot of resistance trying to think new thoughts about your body and weight. The key to moving through this...

Feb 16, 2022

In Day 1 of the masterclass, you’ll learn how to stop stressing about your weight and instead feel confident. You have the power to create unshakeable confidence by reshaping your mind, not your body.

Creating unshakeable confidence is simpler than you think – really, there are only 3 things you need to do. We...

Feb 10, 2022

Are you looking for a guide on how to be healthier without losing weight?

Have you been trying to lose weight for years on end with no “success”? Yet, you likely have been told that the only solution to your pain and ailments resides in losing weight – but it does not.

It is scientific fact that you can improve...