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Jan 12, 2023

In today’s episode we are answering one of our community member’s questions; does intuitive eating REALLY work, and HOW??? We thought it was so good that we had to share it with everyone.

Perhaps this question has been on your mind too or maybe you tried Intuitive Eating on your own in the past and thought you failed at it.

First, know that you can’t fail at Intuitive Eating…

Most people who have the perception that you can fail at eating intuitively misunderstand what Intuitive Eating is designed for. They often approach it with the same mindset they had when starting any past diet.

The bottom line is that Intuitive Eating is beyond the food and requires a highly conscious commitment. The moment you decide to detangle your worth from your body and health behaviours, Intuitive Eating will work for you.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • The misunderstanding about Intuitive Eating that leads to it not working
  • Questions to ask to discover why intuitive eating may not be working for you
  • 10 case studies of real women from Undiet Your Life about why IE didn’t work when they tried it on their own

Mentioned in the show: 

Undieted Health Habits Checklist

Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet?

Undiet Your Life Coaching Program