Jan 26, 2023
You’re invited! The Undiet Your Life 2023 Live Experience is here!
Once a year, we create a unique container for women wanting to create change rapidly.
When you join Undiet Your Life Coaching Program now, you can join the live experience and fast-track your results.
The Undiet Your Life Live 2023 Experience is when we get a group of women together for 2 months and study our 3 steps of Undiet Your Life process with a very focused and intense approach to facilitate your transformation quickly.
We start with an intensive class on Sunday, February 5th, 2023, where you master the mindset coaching tool in 1 day AND over the next 8 weeks we apply it to food, health, and body image.
You get 2 months of my
energy, passion, and accountability to move yours thru this
life-changing transformation of undieting your life.