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Apr 25, 2019

On today's episode, we talk about how to strengthen your intuition

Do you wish to have more guidance in your life, to be more certain that you are making the right choices for you?

That knowing is accessible to you right now. This intelligence is inside you, me and all women: It’s called our intuition.

On today’s...

Apr 18, 2019

On today's episode, we speak with Sheree Clark

Are you at a “fork” in the road?

You know something needs to change... must change... has to change. You get the feeling that if you don’t make a choice now, life will make one for you.

For some, it’s an acute life event that forces them into making a choice... for...

Apr 11, 2019

On today's episode - SHEBeyond The Food - Chapter 2:

I'll share with you my personal journey with exercise, fitness and sports... and it’s been a wild ride. 

Just like most of you, ladies that have a journey of dieting, exercise has been part of my life in a “not so fun way”... never willingly and because I...

Apr 4, 2019

On today's episode, we talk about Feng Shui

Get the energy right in your home, closet, and fridge and everything else will follow. Yup, the energy that carries your home is impacting you right now... moving you closer to confidence or further away from peace with your food and body. 

Imagine you and your home...