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Aug 31, 2023

Fat and Pregnant with Michelle Mayefske, author of the Fat Birth Book.

This episode is an interview talking about confident, strong and empowered pregnancy at any size

Michelle Mayefske is a certified birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator, fat activist and author.She has made it her mission to change the way...

Aug 24, 2023

Being different in a world that thrives on conformity can be hard and cause a lot of suffering.

Have you ever thought:  “but I felt much more confident when my body was smaller!”

When confidence is shaken by the size of your body, it’s not confidence you were experiencing: it was the safety of compliance. 


Aug 17, 2023

This is a conversation that has been building for years between me and Kim Basler. We’ve been internet friends for years but had yet to spend time in 1-1 conversation.

Kim has a long history of dieting and decades as a fitness professional where her body was her “business card”. Today on the other side she shares...

Aug 10, 2023

I’d love to get you started with a mini-lesson on dealing with weight gain.

This is how you set yourself up to be neutral with your body and create confidence, freedom, and ease in your life today, next month, and for the rest of your life.

#1-Nothing has gone wrong

It’s expected and normal that you gain weight...

Aug 3, 2023

I want to teach you the basics of thought work and so I can teach you how specifically it applies to women’s life.

What you’ll learn listening to this episode:

  • What is thought work

  • How does thought work show up in our life

  • The basics tenets of thought work

  • Why thought work is essential to women
